1 minute reading time (126 words)

Words of encouragement from Darlene

Not Marlene misspelled but some words from Darlene Love...

"what people have to understand is that if you're getting more good than bad out of something, it's always worth it. But you have to keep on, you have to see to your goals and your dreams, and keep moving forward. We all have bumps in the road. We have barricades. But my whole thing about that is this: A barricade is nothing but something you have to get over. That's what I've done most of my life. Once you get over it, the joy on the other side is very fulfilling. So you just have to keep pressing on."
Something you could say Delboy followed, even if he could not put quite so eloquently.
Only Fools and Houses
On a serious note

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Love it! A little Christmas cheer always goes down well!!!

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